Audio Series: Build Wealth


7 Messages:
1. Orientation for Success
2. Streams of Kingdom Revenue (Part 1)
3. Streams of Kingdom Revenue (Part 2)
4. Understanding the Flow of Money
5. Lies People Believe About Money – Kingdom Finance
6. The Emerging Entrepreneur
7. Winning at Work

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Orientation for Success:
Everyone that God comes in relationship with God,His plan for them is to succeed. The success orientation comes from the concept that everyone that God touches increases, everyone that God changes increases, everyone that God speaks to changes. Success is a favorable course of anything attempted. God wants you to be successful in whatever career or calling you have. In this teaching Dr. Guy Peh is teaching practical ways on how you can become successful. Dr. Guy believes that there are 3 kinds of people in the world: the wills, the wont’s and the cant’s. The first accomplish everything, the second oppose everything and the third fail in everything. Be part of the wills. God wants you to be successful. 

Streams of Kingdom Revenue:
Anything that is counterproductive to the advancement of the Kingdom of God in your life, in your city and in your nation is a demonic system.  For every demonic system there is a kingdom model designed by God to replace and counter the demonic system.  But it is our responsibility to find the kingdom model to replace the demonic system.  In order for you to engage this world system and to raise up a kingdom model you need to understand the 7 streams of Kingdom Revenue.  In this dynamic and prolific message Dr. Guy is teaching about 7 streams of Kingdom Revenue, 4 doors that give access to the stream and the 4 levels in the stream.  Get ready for a turnaround in your finances and your destiny.

Understanding the Flow of Money:
The root word for money is currency.  Currency means flow.  If you don’t understand the flow of money it will bypass you.  Money never disappears, it always moves and it’s always changing hands.  God has an orientation of success for you.   For you to experience that success economically you need to understand the dynamics of the flow of money in your life.  In this message Dr. Guy Peh shares principles that will bring light in your understanding of the flow of money in your life.

Lies People Believe About Money – Kingdom Finance:
One of the tools satan uses to destroy incentive, goals and joy of accomplishment is financial difficulty.  Money does count.  Life hinges on it.  Money is the power part of our world.  With it we bargain, trade and exchange our way through life.  Shelter, food, medical care, education and even self-preservation involve money.  Money is a basic method of communication between human beings. Thousands live unfulfilled and frustrated lives because they do not understand the truth about money.  In this teaching on Kingdom Finances, Dr. Guy Peh teaches on lies that people believe about money and how you can become financially prosperous.  Get ready for your life to change and to enter into a new season of prosperity and success.

The Emerging Entrepreneur:
In this teaching Dr. Guy Peh teaches on principles and concepts that will empower the visionary entrepreneur to become successful in his or her endeavors in the marketplace. Receive strategies to expand into God’s designed success for your life. 

Winning At Work:
When you just labor without purpose you enrich a system but you are not enriching your destiny. But if you ever get to work with purpose and strategy, if you become entrepreneurial, if you become expressive and innovative you will enrich your destiny. The money you earn and your prosperity is based on a law. The law states that the amount of money you earn is always going to be not sometimes in the exact ratio to the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the difficulty there is to replacing you. In this dynamic and powerful teaching Dr. Guy Peh provides winning principles that will empower anyone to have a successful career and winning at work.