Ghana 2024

July 2, 2024
Believers are equipped The sick are healed The gospel is preached in power The captives set free The deaf hear and blind see The lame walk and the dead raised

Photos From Ghana 2024

Dear Friends:

We hope this newsletter finds you well. Destiny, Ilke, and I are doing great.

I just completed an incredible nine days of ministry on the African continent in the nation of Ghana. Below is an encouraging word and our news update.

Trust in the Lord

Isaiah 26:4 AMPC
So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].

Who Do You Trust?

Perhaps you are clinging to a dream or holding onto a promise. Maybe you are waiting for someone to change or for a situation to improve. You might be hoping for a prayer to be answered, for joy to replace sorrow, or for clarity and hope to emerge from confusion and chaos.

In times of pain, loss, and suffering, it can be challenging to hold onto the One who promises to be faithful.

Isaiah, a prophet to the leaders of Judah during a time of national corruption and spiritual decline, warned of his people being exiled for trusting in idols, political leaders, and temporary things. Yet, Isaiah also reminded the people that God is sovereign. He foretold that God would bring them out of exile and eventually send a savior to rescue them forever.

Isaiah did not live to see all his prophecies fulfilled, but he held onto the hope he prophesied about. His words continue to encourage us today.

Trust in the Lord even when circumstances are confusing.
Trust in the Lord even when you are suffering.
Trust in the Lord even when your heart is breaking.

No matter what happens, trust in the Lord.

Seasons may change, situations may shift, and people may abandon, desert, or betray you, but the one constant throughout history is God. The Lord is unchanging and immovable. Nothing can stand against Him or overcome Him.

God understands suffering because He suffered for us. We can trust Him because He keeps His promises. He has promised to fight for us, to never leave us, to make a way for us, to love us, to protect us, and to remain faithful to us.

Since God is our salvation, we can trust Him and not be afraid.

So, no matter what comes, let’s choose today to trust in the Lord.

Mission Ghana Update

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Accra, Ghana, where I was graciously invited and hosted by my esteemed friend, Pastor Richard Whitcomb. Pastor Whitcomb is an exceptional apostolic leader who has trained thousands of leaders globally and established numerous churches worldwide.

The last nine days in Accra were not just another mission trip; they were incredibly productive and impactful. I had the privilege of ministering eight times in nine days. The weekend began with four dynamic miracle services at Agape New Testament Church, each filled with a powerful atmosphere and a profound hunger for God among the attendees. Every meeting was impactful, with packed altar calls and many responding to receive salvation. The strong presence of God was evident, and numerous individuals experienced healing. It was a blessing to return here after many years.

During the remainder of my time, I had the honor of being one of the keynote speakers at the Ablaze Conference, an international gathering that brought together nearly 1,000 pastors from across Africa, including many from the West African region. I had the opportunity to minister five times at the conference, which further underscored the productive and transformative nature of this trip. The Ablaze Conference was far from an ordinary gathering – it was truly transformative. As one of the five guest speakers, I was privileged to experience an atmosphere electrified with the presence of God. Each session was profoundly powerful, and we also conducted panel discussions where pastors could address various ministry-related concerns.

The hunger for God among the pastors was remarkable. After each sermon, hundreds would rush to the altar, crying out to God. We witnessed a profound and powerful move of the Holy Spirit at every turn.

At the conclusion of the conference, we organized a prayer tunnel. Each guest speaker stood on either side, laying hands on the pastors as they walked through. The tangible manifestation of God’s power and presence during these prayers was obvious, even to the extent that I was personally touched and ministered to as well.

Following the prayer tunnel, we engaged in a time of worship. It was inspiring to see the pastors dancing and rejoicing before the Lord, creating an atmosphere of celebration.

Upcoming Events

My trip to Ghana concludes a remarkable two and a half months of international ministry tours across Europe and Africa. It was truly inspiring to witness the power of God touching and transforming lives in every country we visited, including Belgium, the Netherlands, Estonia, the United Kingdom, and Ghana.

We are excited to return home to Dallas and look forward to embarking on our USA summer tour. Below is our upcoming schedule. 

View All Upcoming Events


We thank God and give Him all the glory for the mighty work He has done. We also extend our deepest gratitude to our partners for their financial support—none of this would have been possible without you. Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we can do more.

If you are interested in becoming a financial partner to help us continue preaching the Gospel of Power around the world, please visit and click on the donate link for more information. Your prayer and financial support are greatly appreciated.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Abundant blessings,

Guy, Ilke & Destiny

Stay on fire for Jesus no matter what!

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