Audio Series: Personal Development


9 Messages:
1. Orientation for Success
2. Preparing for an Exponential Future
3. Enlargement
4. Killing the Giant of Criticism
5. Don’t Sleep On My Baby
6. Overcoming Rejection – Correcting a Mistaken Identity
7. Thanksliving – Express It
8. Anger Management – How Long Does It Take You To Get Hot?
9. Achieving Balance in an Unbalanced World

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Orientation for Success:
Everyone that God comes in relationship with God,His plan for them is to succeed. The success orientation comes from the concept that everyone that God touches increases, everyone that God changes increases, everyone that God speaks to changes. Success is a favorable course of anything attempted. God wants you to be successful in whatever career or calling you have. In this teaching Dr. Guy Peh is teaching practical ways on how you can become successful. Dr. Guy believes that there are 3 kinds of people in the world: the wills, the wont’s and the cant’s. The first accomplish everything, the second oppose everything and the third fail in everything. Be part of the wills. God wants you to be successful. 

Preparing for an Exponential Future:
You should not put off to tomorrow what you can do today. Today you need to get ready for tomorrow in case tomorrow comes. Benjamin Franklin said: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” My point is: We should celebrate the past, cease the present and claim the future. We need to live today as if it was our last day but we need to prepare today as if it will not be our last day. We need to be sure that if tomorrow does come that it will be indeed the best day of your life. An actress once said: I always wanted to be somebody but now I recognize that I should have been more specific.’  In this message Dr. Guy teaches on how you can prepare for an exponential future. 

Anything that stops growing starts dying.  Anyone who stops pressing forward to gain new heights starts losing ground.  This is just as true for life in the Spirit and life in the flesh.  You will find out that even professional athletes, at the heights of their career will seek out a coach and take time to revamp their game.  Their goal is to become better than they already are.  Increase can come on purpose with purposeful intentions that’s the attitude of a champion, may it be yours as well.  In this powerful message Dr. Guy Peh is teaching how to break the power of limitation and increase your capacity.

Killing the Giant of Criticism:
Whether you are higher or lower; there is always somebody criticizing whatever you do and whoever you are. How you manage that criticism, how you respond to that criticism, has to do with how effective you will be in your life. You have to live with criticism. It’s always going to be there, it’s not going away. The only way to avoid criticism is to do nothing, say nothing, be nothing and then be ignored. If you are overly sensitive to the opinions and criticism of others, you will end up carrying a needless burden of guilt and inadequacy.  If you just try to please yourself, you will become egocentric and selfish.  That’s why as Christians, we seek to please God, not other people. In this dynamic message Dr. Guy Peh will teach you how to handle criticism.

Don’t Sleep On My Baby:
Potential is not who I am but it’s who I can become. Potential is what I do not have but still can have. Potential is not what I have done but what I can still do. God did not say to men, be full of seed and multiply but He said be fruitful and multiply. In other words, I have already placed something in you in a potential form that you have to develop. God wants you to become your own brand. The easiest time to kill something is when it is at its infancy stage. Many people today do not fulfill their destiny because it is killed. In this message Dr. Guy is teaching how you can develop your potential and things you shouldn’t’t do that may kill your potential and what other people may do to kill your potential. When you are pregnant with potential you don’t need to hang around abortionists, you need to hang around midwives. Some people have the ability to spiritually assassinate you and kill your potential. Watch out whom you hang around when you have purpose and destiny.

Overcoming Rejection – Correcting a Mistaken Identity:
Rejection is a universal malady. Every single one of us has tasted the pain of feeling rejection from other people. Babies are unwanted by their mothers, children are assaulted by their parents, people curse and rail upon each other, people are mocked by their mental and physical quality, others are robbed, raped, swindled and even murdered, friends discard friends, divorce rip families apart, shrewd business dealing violate victims, nations declare war on each other and the list goes on and on. If you have experienced rejection in your life and struggling with your identity, in this message Dr. Guy will teach you how to overcome rejection and correct a mistaken identity.

Thanksliving – Express It:
“Thank You” is an interesting phrase. It’s the standard of politeness in our society; the standard of civilized, polite people. Gratitude (appreciation, thankfulness) is not only among the highest virtues; it is synonymous with the deepest most profound element of scriptural holiness. In this dynamic message Dr. Guy Peh teaches why we should be thankful and the importance of expressing it. Gratitude is a learned way of life.

Anger Management – How Long Does It Take You To Get Hot?:
He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction. Proverbs 13 : 3 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness. Proverbs 15 : 1 – 2 In this dynamic teaching, Dr. Guy gives practical principles on how to deal with anger. Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

Achieving Balance in an Unbalanced World:
Balance is stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the vertical axes. It is also mental and emotional steadiness. A lot of people today are unhappy and frustrated because they are struggling to find balance in their lives. In this teaching Dr. Guy teaches practical principles how people can achieve balance in an unbalanced world.