Audio Series: Get Unstuck and Stay Unstuck Become the Best Version of Yourself


Dr. Guy Peh’s series explores the intricate dance of life’s transitions, the moments when we must find our exits, the necessity of turning the page from past pains, and overcoming the universal sting of rejection to correct mistaken identities. He delves into the complexities of getting life back on track amidst chaos and navigating personal storms with victorious strategies. Through practical insights and powerful messages, Dr. Peh offers a roadmap to liberate us from being stuck, empowering us to move forward and embrace the abundance and future waiting beyond our current circumstances.

9 Messages:
1. Transition More Than Just Change
2. Transition
3. Don’t Miss Your Exit
4. It’s Time To Turn the Page
5. No One Comes To The World Empty
6. Overcoming Reject – Correcting a Mistaken Identity
7. Get Your Life Back On Track
8. Victory In The Middle of the Storm (Part 1)
9. Victory In The Middle of the Storm (Part 2)



Transition means the act of passing from one place to another place, from one level to another level. Most of our lives we work toward a goal. You get to a certain level of accomplishment: Either a door closes, a person changes, a circumstance evolves, or you have simply got all you can get out of where you are.  It happens sometimes, against your will, you find yourself in a place of transition.  Transition can sometimes be the hardest thing to do, the hardest thing to manage, the hardest thing to put up with, and the hardest thing to deal with.  In this dynamic message Dr. Guy Peh teaches on the sequence of transition:  impartation – manifestation – transition and different principles we need to negotiate a successful transition in our lives.

Dont Miss Your Exit:
Being stuck means I can’t pass my feelings of loneliness, I can’t pass my fear of public speaking, I can’t pass my fear of failure, I can’t leave this relationship. You fill the blank. The reason why we are stuck is because we keep missing our exit from our current season or circumstances. When you become captive of your own negative state it is very hard to see the reality of where everything is possible and that is because we only see what we feel about life and that is where we get stuck. In this dynamic message Dr. Guy Peh provides practical exit strategies that will help anyone get unstuck from circumstances and seasons that they are struggling to move forward from. Get ready to be liberated with dynamic and powerful exit strategies.

It’s Time To Turn The Page:
One of the greatest obstacles to experiencing God’s abundance in our lives today is our refusal to let go of what we went through yesterday. The past cannot be revamped, revived, renovated or repaired. It was what it was, it happened like it happened, what went down went down, it is over, let it go! You cannot revive the past, you can only remember it, revisit it, or perhaps regret it, but you cannot rearrange it. One of the keys to a successful life is the growing capacity to accept change as a part of life. It is possible for some people to be in bondage to the past. You’ve to let go of the negative things of the past if you want to move into the future of what God has already planned for you. It’s time to turn the page. Your future can be incarcerated by your past. In this dynamic message Dr. Guy Peh provides practical insight that will help you make an end to create a whole new beginning; to turn the page so that you can move on to the next chapter of your life. Learn how to let go of things that can suffocate your present and your future. 

Overcoming Rejection – Correcting a Mistaken Identity:
Rejection is a universal malady. Every single one of us has tasted the pain of feeling rejection from other people. Babies are unwanted by their mothers, children are assaulted by their parents, people curse and rail upon each other, people are mocked by their mental and physical quality, others are robbed, raped, swindled and even murdered, friends discard friends, divorce rip families apart, shrewd business dealing violate victims, nations declare war on each other and the list goes on and on. If you have experienced rejection in your life and struggling with your identity, in this message Dr. Guy will teach you how to overcome rejection and correct a mistaken identity.

Get Your Life Back on Track:
Sometimes life can be very complicated.  When life seems complicated it becomes very hard and difficult to really get it on track.  Many people are trying to get their life on track; they try to get it together.  Then once they get it together, they want to keep it together; moving in the right direction.  People feel overwhelmed when they feel like their life is overly complicated.   At times they feel that there are so many things to deal with that they don’t know where to start.  In this message Dr. Guy Peh is teaching on principles that a person can apply to get their life on track, to keep it together and move in the right direction.

Victory In The MIddle of the Storm:

The world was touched by the effect of Hurricane Katrina as it destroyed the entire city of New Orleans. This storm was one of the most destructive tragedies of the world. The truth of the matter is that we experience similar spiritual storms in our lives such as financial crisis, marital problems, sickness, etc… In these messages you will learn how to have victory in the middle of the storm and how to allow the word of God to suspend your mind’s ability to limit your spirit in times of trouble. No more fear, no more trouble, victory is yours in Jesus’ name.